Hello! How are you ???!!!! I'm fine.
Finally came the period of rest after exams and I could resume session my beloved hobby: cooking.
Do you like the renovations made to the blog ... with the help of my sweet sister ???!!! The chicks I find them so cute =).
We decided to put the chicks because we are approaching Easter, and so we decided to also contextualize the blog.
Today I insert my recipe for a cake to say the least FANTASTIC
and 'so good you could taste even as a mousse ... I often end up eating it by the spoonful.
This recipe has been handed down for generations ... it was my great-grandmother who was preparing her to my grandmother .... and passed from hand to hand we've made some changes to improve it obviously.
It 's a delight .
1 tablespoon baking
75 g unsweetened cocoa powder 4 tablespoons rum
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 cup milk
200 grams of butter 170 gr
sugar 200 g flour 4 eggs

Add the rum, milk, butter, vanilla. Finally
sifting the flour, cocoa, baking powder.
Bake at 180 ° C for 50 minutes.
Let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
E 'is also excellent as a basis for birthday cakes, how you want to be stuffed.
In the category "birthday cake" to find any idea how to use it.
The advice I can give you now to fill are:
- Nutella and mascarpone-cream
-apricot jam
- cream and nutella
A kiss. Lella
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