Hello! How are you?? I'm fine.
Today I wanted to put the views on apples to choose from .... and the various types of apples.
Apples ..... .. a popular fruit and found all year round although the best time to enjoy some variety is one that runs from November to March!
The apple tree is native to central ... even if the cultivation is now widespread throughout the world.
Apples, today, are the most versatile type of fruit. You can make apple pies, tarts, biscuits, pancakes, chicken curry (of which there soon to put the recipe), pasta dishes ... or simply may be enjoyed fresh or baked for a snack mid-morning.

also has a powerful detoxifier.
It 's very used to conduct a balanced diet as it is a tasty fruit, with a low intake of calories and used in some houses to make beautiful masks.
Do not ask me how because I do not know. ^ _ ^
There are different types of apples ... the main categories are as follows (from Wikipedia ):
- annurca : small size compared to other apples, round shape with red skin striata. The flesh is white, firm, crisp, juicy, sweet and pleasantly sour;
- Blanche Snow ;
- Braeburn : skin color dark red or scarlet, firm flesh and crunchy, sweet and sour taste;
- Campanina ;
- Costa's Trade ;
- Cox ;
- Fuji : round shape, skin color pinkish-red, crunchy, juicy, sweet flavor, rich in fructose
- Golden Delicious : shape round, yellow skin, crisp flesh and compact, slightly sour sweet taste, variety of origin American ;
- Granny Smith : intense green skin, crisp flesh, particularly rich in magnesium ;
- Emperor;
- Jonagold: taste juicy, sweet and sour, very aromatic cross between golden delicious and Jonathan, 1953
- Pink Lady: This variety was created by the 'cross' (more precisely speaking hybridization) of two apple varieties already known as the "Lady Williams" and the apple 'Golden Delicious'. His skin has shades of pink.
- Apple rose Sibillini
- Red Delicious
- Renetta : shape irregular, red skin and green
- Renetta Grey : typical product of the area Barge, flat shape, rusty and rough skin, coarse flesh-colored creamy-white, sweet and sour taste;
- Rome Beauty ;
- Royal Gala : skin deep red with yellow veins, firm and crisp, sweet taste slightly bitter;
- Stark, Stark Delicious
- : red peel, chopped fine, crisp, aromatic flavor, very rich of carotene and retinol ;
- Stayman Winesap : rough skin, yellow-green dotted red, firm and crisp, bittersweet taste.
Among the species that prefer to make apple pies I used:
- annurca (it is compact and delivers a sweet taste).
for tarts or biscuits stuffed with apples use:
To make baked apples go well I think any type of apple.
for apple strudel I found myself very well with:
- renette
The advice that you insert what apples to use and which not only have been decided and only on the evidence that I did at home. There are certain types
of apples that are too mealy must absolutely not be used for cakes filled with apple and the apple strudel which should remain soft, yet firm.
creams If you must then prepare the apples while cooking will melt more easily for me will be fine.
The chart you see in the picture shows the most common varieties on the market by more sour taste to the more gentle and also indicate which preparations are best suited for different varieties of fruit.
Maybe you can set viewing this chart if in doubt.
I hope to be helpful. A big kiss